Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just passing by

Hello Tuesday. I haven't blogged in longer than a week.
So, it's been awhile. What's happened lately? Well, i recently went to Lake Tiak O'Khata, for a Mary Kay makeup seminar thing. Pretty fun. They had a speaker who had been in a bad car accident. He just got out of high school and is paralyzed from chest down. You think your having a bad day? Think again. I hope that if something like that was to ever come upon me i could look at things as happy as he did. It is amazing when you get so caught up in a bad day or your little drama festival only to realize how stupid it was hours later.
I recently bought these vintage high heels. They are wonderful. Have you ever thought you werent the type to like something, only to find out that you really do? Yea, me too.
Some thoughts in my brain:
New Orleans in only 9 days. I am so pumped!
Hair appointment Thursday. More highlights.
Still haven't decided about the monroe.
Birthday coming up.
Copy catters stink. They need to go away.
Summer playlist is rockin'. 10 pages so far.
Song of the day: 3x5 by John Mayer.
http://www.givesmehope.com/ will pick you up on your bad day.
Oh i forgot to post the pictures i had of my Madi and Maredith day. Here goes.

1 comment:

  1. i love that last picture. that dress is gorgeous!

    ♥ http://www.allisterbee.blogspot.com
