Monday, May 31, 2010

Slow dancing, in a burning room♫

Going to moms for the week. Yes! No internet, just the cellphone. The pool and sun. Its going to be great. Mm

Zombie man, gives you his heart.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

☮let love in

Hi there. It's been awhile. Been kinda busy.
Yesterday, went on the date and ate at the fancy Ruth Chris. It was yummmm. The steak was like butter and the crab cakes were like heaven. I got so full. NOLA is coming so soon i can smell the french market air. Were going in July for my birthday. Its going to be bombbb.
Don't you hate it when people rape your profile or rape your picture? I mean, come on? Get a life. Flush you. I like white chocolate. Yes, i do. I want to spend some time with my mom. I love my mom. Shes my best friend. Brownies, brownies, brownies. That's all Ive been eating lately. And its starting to kick in on me. I'm really out of shape. Today is the national My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Day. No joke. Google it. Imagine someone celebrating that. Oh yea. Today is lazy day for me. I'm doing nothing, and loving it.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Battle Studies

Ahh. It was a loooooong day.
Woke up at 7 in the morning. Went to my high schools cheer camp to take photos. I took over 6OO. Yes, that many. But, it was fun. No drama. Surprisingly. Got home, uploaded the pictures. Ate, ate, ate, ate, ate, ate. Yum. Went to Gigi's cupcakes with Madi. It was the best. Nom nom.
Don't you just love it when you find money, that you didn't know you had? Yes, me too. My favorite food right this minute would have to be Tyson honey BBQ chicken strips. They are heaven. Hopefully, tomorrow will be my relaxation day. Mm, i can see it now. Alittle netflix, some food, my bed.. ohh yea.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Heartbreak Warfare.

Hello Wednesday.
I'm in a great mood. For some reason.
Ahh, today's the day. The day to get out with my best friend and go shopping. Yes yes.
Saturdays a big night, going to fancy Ruth Chris steak house, for my wonderful boyfriends graduation present. Yum. Going to pick a day to go to my high schools cheer camp, to take pictures for the wonderful Madi. Ever notice how everyone thinks peace signs are all cute and just likes the idea of them, when really their is a meaning behind them? I have. I wish one day, all people will realize that they can be themselves. My dog had her little puppies. 6 to be exact. This is a great start to the summer ahead.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Ah, what a fine Tuesday it is.
This is for you Madi. This, is my zombie llama.
His name is Hal.

Have you ever wondered how they get that great liquid into those tiny little gushers candy? I have.
Last night i made me some brownies. They were awesome. So this morning, i made me some more. Yum. Ive been working on this summer play list thing. Writing down all the songs i love and don't have yet. Its turning out pretty spiffy. My pregnant dog, Hershey, will be having puppies soon. Joy. Shes making weird winy sounds. My day will consist of nothing, except bordum and laziness and eating my brownies. Yay for brownies.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Free fallin'♫

First official day of summer. Oh yes.

Got up later than usual. Fixed a great egg sammich. Nom nom nom.
Watched the goonies on netflix, which is my loves favorite movie. Ah, memories.
Drank 4 glasses of chocolate milk. Mm, I love my life.

I also love, my new cupcake keychain!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mutant Ninja Turtles.

This weekend i bought a pool. A 40 dollar pool to be exact. I love my life. I need gauges. Ate a whole box of fruit roll ups. Got a stomach ache. Ate mexican, marsh mellows, muffins. Yum. Got a new key chain. Its a cupcake. Did you know they make Sweet Tea Vodka? Yep. The Goo Goo Dolls, have my heart. I could waste a day listening to them. Summer, summer, summer. Oh how I'm going to love you. Starting now. I'm ready to wear holes in my jeans and tank tops, be able to sleep, have time to get a tan, forget life, eat weird things starting with squid, sing to Jack Johnson, eat gumbo 24/7, roll in the grass with all my little bug friends and take pictures of my wonderful boyfriend. Yep, summer is great.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Summer, so close i can taste it.

Things to do this summer:
Already started to gauge the ears. Wants to be a size O, soon.
Grow the hair out. Long, long, long.
Get a job. Somewhere.
Go to the beach.
Learn how to rap. Cause I'm fresh, yo.
Plant a garden.. or maybe just a flower bed.
Have a birthday party.
Eat cake. Eat sushi. Drink smoothies. Eat cupcakes.
Get a Monroe piercing.
Ride a train.
Go to New Orleans.
Ride with the top down.
Fix the dent in my car.
Wash my car.
Sleep all day.
Take my camera on an adventure.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My favorite place ever? New Orleans, Louisiana

Johnna Kay, is beautiful.

Hobos, with guitars, make me happy.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


My first ever.. wreck. Yes, wreck. Just a dent, and scratch.. and the passenger side mirror is gone. But other than that, everything is cool. Unfortunately, i can't say that for the other car.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A start of something new.

So today i started a blog. It will be something to look forward to in this summer ahead of me