Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mutant Ninja Turtles.

This weekend i bought a pool. A 40 dollar pool to be exact. I love my life. I need gauges. Ate a whole box of fruit roll ups. Got a stomach ache. Ate mexican, marsh mellows, muffins. Yum. Got a new key chain. Its a cupcake. Did you know they make Sweet Tea Vodka? Yep. The Goo Goo Dolls, have my heart. I could waste a day listening to them. Summer, summer, summer. Oh how I'm going to love you. Starting now. I'm ready to wear holes in my jeans and tank tops, be able to sleep, have time to get a tan, forget life, eat weird things starting with squid, sing to Jack Johnson, eat gumbo 24/7, roll in the grass with all my little bug friends and take pictures of my wonderful boyfriend. Yep, summer is great.

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